Friday, October 11, 2019

Oil Painting study of Juliana playing a Sitar / Oct 2019

This is a study for a larger painting I am planning on doing of this subject. Oil on Linen 8" x 6"
(BTW, My daughter really can play a Sitar)

The Sitar Player

Pastel Cow paintings / Sept/Oct 2019

Here are a couple paintings of cows in Pastel. Sizes 5" x 7" and 6" x 8"

Storm Cow Portrait

Sunset Cow

Portrait of my Nephew - Lucas / May 2019

Graduation Gift. A Portrait for my Nephew. Watercolor 16" x 12"

Portrait of Lucas Gerding

Watercolor painting study of Juliana / Dec 2018.

Portrait of my daughter Juliana from a dance performance. Watercolor 8" x 6"

Egyptian Queen's Sorrow